Friday, November 29, 2019

Behaviorism And Cognitive Psychology Essays

Behaviorism And Cognitive Psychology Essays Behaviorism And Cognitive Psychology Paper Behaviorism And Cognitive Psychology Paper Although learning is a part of education, it has consider both the same. 1. 3 Approaches to Educational Psychology Positivist school Scientific method Behaviorism Cognitive psychology 1. The Positivist School C] Psychologist starts to understand and predict humans behavior Instead of studying 0 They searched to find the principles of human learning by checking the behavior of animals, under exactly defined conditions. Logical Positivism 0 They accept only experimental data as evidence, so thought and feeling of human was something inaccessible, and there for were not investigated! 1. 4. 1 Behaviorism Russian Pavlov: 0 S-R (Stimulus-Response) theory or Classical Conditioning 0 It was considered that all human behavior could be explained in terms of the way in which simple S-R connections were built up. PROBLEM: It could not consider enormous range of human action. 1. 4. 2 B. F. Skinner 0 Founder of Modern Behaviorism 0 He constructed a system of principles to account for unman behavior in strictly observable terms. 0 Learning as a result of environment VS. Learning as genetic factor notion of operates emphasizing on reinforcement OPERANT CONDITIONING: an individual responds to a stimulus by behaving in a particular way. Skinner paid more attention to instruction in education and suggested: 0 Teachers should make clear what is to be taught 0 Tasks should be broken down into small, continues steps 0 Students should be encouraged to work at their own pace by means of individualized learning programs 0 Learning should be programmed by connecting he above procedures + immediate positive reinforcement is seen as a behavior to be taught Language Learning a language acquiring a set of appropriate mechanical habits Teachers role developing learners good habits, by means of pattern drills and memorization 1. Cognitive Psychology Human Thoughts It concerns with the way in which human mind thinks and learns Therefore it deals with mental process involved in learning and cognition Here learner is seen as an active participant in learning process Information theories, consider brain as a complex computer / I. . Artificial intelligence system;its models of memory and reading process Constructivism movement, Jean P igged, concerned with ways in which individuals come to make their own sense of the world. . 5. 1 Information Process At the very heart of cognitive psychology is the idea of information processing concerned with: The way in which people take in information Process information Act upon information O BASIC ASSUMPTIONS 1 . Attention: Is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things 2. Perception: Is the organization of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. Sakes many different forms, e. G. Images, sounds or meaning. Construct models or scripts to try to account for the way in which the human mind works 1. 5. 2 Memory 0 Atkinson Shuffling (1968) describes the memory process in terms of sensory register where stimuli are initially recorded for a brief amount of time before being passed into short-term memory if attention is given to them. 0 3 terms for memory: Short-term memory Working memory Long-term memory 1. 5. Constructivism As perspective in education, is based on experiential learning through real life experience to construct and conditionality knowledge. 0 Pigged constructive nature of learning process: Individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaning, that is their own personal understanding, from their experiences. The End The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done Jean Pigged

Monday, November 25, 2019

Bolshevik Success in 1917 essays

Bolshevik Success in 1917 essays How and why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power in Russia in 1917? When the February Revolution of 1917 erupted, the Bolsheviks were a minor concern and had no direct involvement in this initial bourgeoisie revolution. Prominent Bolshevik leaders like Lenin were abroad at the time and members were divided over the partys purpose in Russia. Notwithstanding this, by 1922, the Bolshevik Party had assumed resolute power in Russia and consolidated their authority. Nicholas IIs abdication had created political instability in Russia, leaving the Provisional Government in Petrograd to assumed power over Russia. Unfortunately, the Provisional Government lacked legitimacy to justify its actions. There was no tradition of government rule in Russia and many people were actually opposed to it. As a self-appointed body, many questioned the Governments authority to rule. The Provisional Government also lacked a charismatic leader, which only aggravated the situation. Despite attempts to ameliorate their position like the appointment of Alexander Kerensky as leader, even his political talent could not improve the PGs popularity. Historians recognise that the Provisional Governments continuance of the war was a significant influence on their downfall, but we must bear in mind that this decision was not based on blind refusal to admit defeat, but political reasoning. Russia was practically bankrupt and continuance of the war provided essential financial assistance from the West. Moreover, the Provisional Government felt obliged to continue the war out of loyalty to Britain and France. This was an unpopular decision, as there appeared to be few aims to the continued fighting or breakthrough successes. The PG gradually lost the support of a large proportion of the troops, regarded as little more than peasants in uniform, and were an obvious target for Bolshevik propaganda. Russia was an impoveri...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

State with reasons the aims which you consider are relevant for Essay

State with reasons the aims which you consider are relevant for present day education. What social factors are likely to influence learners' achievements of these aims - Essay Example The various aims could be identified and compartmentalized under the following heads: 1. Development of cognitive skills: When a child grows up into an adolescent and later on into an adult, it has to be gradually trained to observe and understand various things, principles and aspects of life. The environment teaches many things but if the learner is not properly trained to understand things in the proper perspective, then s/he is likely to misunderstand many principles which ultimately may have an adverse impact on the entire life. It is here that education steps in and assumes a responsible role of helping the learner to observe and understand things in the proper perspective. Under Instructional objectives in any learning exercise the " cognitive objectives assume primary significance and these comprise, i. Knowledge ii. Comprehension iii. Application iv. Analysis v. Synthesis and vi. Evaluation "2 ( Rashid,M 1999) The main perceptive skills of seeing, hearing, and feeling have to be gradually developed to a mature level of understanding to make the learner's jud gment faultless and worthwhile. The various subjects he studies at school, the various exercises he is put under and the instructions given by his teachers greatly help to hone the understanding skills. This helps him to perceive different stimuli properly and assimilate their import properly in his memory file, and for later reference and judgment. The periodical tests and examinations aim at evaluating how well the learner has been developing his cognitive skills so as to understand the issues involved in various problems and come up with acceptable, if not entirely ideal, solutions. If this aim of education is achieved, full credit can be given to such an education and the educators. 2. Development of analytical skills: At every point in a grown-up individual's life, whether he is an adolescent or an adult, he or she is called upon to take decisions on various issues, affecting their lives as well as those of others. Unless he takes the right decisions, his further actions cannot be expected to bear favourable results. More often than not, problems crop up in different places, mainly because some of the concerned individuals are not able to analyse problems correctly, with the result, they take wrong decisions which have an adverse impact on all persons concerned. This can be avoided only if all the persons associated with a problem have a fairly good ability to analyze things in the proper perspective and arrive at a reasonably good decisions. This is possible only when the education they had received had equipped them with proper skills to study things with patience and concentration so that they don't commit any error in understanding the issues involved. Obje ctive analytical skills is based mainly on one's ability to take in things as they are and start asking relevant questions which are likely to bring out more information concerning the issues. This way a proper understanding of the entire problem is ensured. Understanding paves the way for solutions in many problems. This is what education trains in individuals when it coaches the students with a variety of mathematical and scientific problems, which form the training ground for developing the problem solving skills to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Commerce as the Transfer of Goods and Services Coursework

Commerce as the Transfer of Goods and Services - Coursework Example The arena for making agreements prior to sealing of a transaction varies. The buyer and seller may meet face to face, they can communicate through the telephone or they can do that through the web commonly known as the interment. When such agreements are reached over the internet followed by the transaction getting sealed (buyer gets commodities bought delivered to him and the seller gets paid by the buyer), then this is termed as e-commerce or e-business. Just like in any business, there have been instances of fraud in e-commerce. If one is able to commit fraud when the transaction is conducted face to face, how much more is this possible when business is conducted over the web Most businessmen have been defrauded and buyers conned. This led to the need for beefing up security as far as e-commerce is concerned. The security function in the websites belonging to buyers has been the very essence of doing business. One needs to verify the validity of the seller and the buyer needs to pay beforehand. Even though the amount of security has increased in the recent years, the hackers keep on being creative by the day thus also requiring innovation as far as the security function of e-commerce is concerned. E-commerce is picking up as a popular way of doing business not only on the retail section but also the banking section. It entails doing business over the web in which the seller and the buyer are both connected via a web browser. Since anything that deals with the computer and the web to be precise is prone to hacking, spying, sabotage etc, it is important that a security component is emphasized when using the web. This security function becomes mandatory when using the web for business. However, the security needs to be upheld to a given degree which is of dual function in that it doesn't impede on the efficiency of transactions and still it doesn't leave obvious holes to the hackers' advantage. The seller's website needs to be well protected and secure against fraudsters and hackers but at the same time, the security components should not suffocate the website to a level that the efficiency of business transactions is impeded on. The buyer has the obligation to identify his/her s ecurity objectives: there is need to know what it is that the seller needs to protect and what should be left open with considerable trust to enhance business transactions. As much as some reasonable degree of trust is necessary for conducting business but too much trust is dangerous to the wellbeing of the very business that you fight to enhance through trust. Therefore, once the seller has identified what to protect and what not to, he has successfully defined his security objectives and this help does create a security policy which must be implemented.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease - Essay Example It has been observed that patients with pre-existing inflammatory diseases have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, for instance, systemic inflammation causes atherosclerosis. Section 2: Anti-inflammatory and heart-healthy foods and nutrients. Garlic and onions have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which promote a healthy heart. Consumption of a diet containing these foods has been associated with a reduction in systolic blood pressure, oxidative stress and vascular inflammation (Vazquez-Prieto et al 5). A study on the effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders by Banerjee and Maulik (2002) indicates a significant cardio-protective effect. Section 3: Evidence that garlic and onions are anti-inflammatory. Garlic and onions have organosulphur compounds, which have different effects on human health (Hedges & Lister). Consumption of diets rich in garlic and onions may help to counter inflammation (Maffetone 7). Research has shown that these foods inhibit the aggregat ion of platelets and lower levels of cholesterol (Srinivasan 170; Kochhar 338), which catalyses the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals. They also reduce oxidative stress (Vazquez-Prieto et al 5), which is responsible for the production of inflammation causing free radicals. Moreover, experiments with fructose fed rats (Vazquez-Prieto et al 5) showed that extracts of garlic and onions reverses increased vascular inflammation. Section 4: Comments on anti-inflammatory evidence. The evidence for the anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and onions is precise and clear. It provides a comprehensive basis on the anti-oxidative properties of these foods, which is essential in dealing with chronic inflammation. Section 5: A study design to reinforce the anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and onions. A randomized controlled trial will be used to assess the anti-inflammatory nature of garlic and onions. A sample of participants will be randomly chosen from the population, and their ethical approval will be sought. Those who grant ethical approval will be included in the study. They will then be split and assigned randomly to two equal groups, experimental and control group. The experimental group will be assigned meals containing a specified amount of garlic and onions. On the other hand, the control group will be assigned meals without garlic and onions. The study will ensure compliance such that participants in the control group will not consume garlic and onions during the study period. Pre-test and post-test measurements for blood cholesterol will be taken for all participants. Comparison for the efficacy of garlic and onions will then be made based on these measurements. Q2: CVD Risk Dietary fiber refers to the edible part of plants, which is resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine (Lattimer & Haub 1266). Soluble dietary fibers are fibers that dissolve in water to form viscous gels. The increased consumption of dietary fiber is assoc iated with low risk of chronic diseases (Coleman 1), for instance, obesity, type-2 diabetes, cancer and CVD. Soluble dietary fibers such as ?-glucan reduce CVD risk by reducing blood cholesterol (Queenan et al 2). This soluble fiber is common in oats, which have a cholesterol lowering effect. However, despite the clear health benefits, the consumption of dietary fiber has been inhibited by its low palatability (Queenan et al. 2). Section 1: How dietary soluble fiber can lower CVD risk. Dietary soluble fiber reduces the serum cholesterol levels hence lowering CVD risk (Queenan et al. 6).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

International Crime Statistics In Japanese Society Criminology Essay

International Crime Statistics In Japanese Society Criminology Essay International crime statistics indicate that the crime rates for most offences are significantly lower in Japan compared to those among Western European nations. To what extent could the relatively low Japanese crime rate be explained in terms of the social organisation of Japanese society?   When looking at comparative criminology, Japan is a good example. This is because the majority of the criminal justice system in Japan is borrowed from other countries and then adapted to fit in well with Japans cultural traditions. They look at the fundamentals of social institutions from other countries and adapt them to fit in with their heritage. By comparing and looking at the systems in other countries it can help to establish an appropriate and useful way of carrying out their justice systems. The increase in the economy in Japan in the 1980s and 90s drew interest from business people around the world. Also, along with this there was interest with justice officials on the success with Japan on responding to the crime problem. However, the accomplishments must be seen in light with its cultural heritage. Japans criminal justice system is interesting as they have successfully provided an effective response into the crime problem and have also adopted the guidelines and methods of the criminal justice systems in other countries to fit in with their own. I will be looking at informal social methods of control as this contributes greatly in keeping the crime rate low in Japan. The following statistics show crime rates in Japan compared with other western European countries: The Sixth United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems between 1995 and 1997 showed that in 1995 the total crimes recorded in Japan stood at 1,421 per 100,000 population compared with 8,168 in Germany and 4,331 in Switzerland (UNCJIN, 19th January 2001). Finch (2001) found, using statistics from the Heisei 0nen no Hanzai, that in 1994 the Japanese homicide rate stood at 1.0 (per 100,000 population) while France stood at 4.7 and the UK at 2.7. The 2005 survey showed that Japan had a corruption rating of 6.9 compared with 8.6 in the UK (Transparency International, 2005). It is thought that the decline of crime has been linked with the decline in the increase of population due to post-war industrialization and the continuing urbanisation and the fact that there were fewer younger children. In spite of this, there has been an increase in crime since industrialization and urbanisation in western countries.  This then shows that it does not explain that post war industrialization and urbanisation is the reason for the decline in crime in Japan. Japan has  changed in a similar way to western countries in this sense but the difference is that Japan has not undergone the same cultural transformations.    Although Japan is not a rich country it has become an industrial giant since World War 2. It is the only non-western country that has become industrialised and they export a number of products. The Japanese saw how expanding and becoming more industrialised would have a positive impact on their economy. They have been successful because of their competitive spirit. This style is rooted in the traditional cohesiveness of society marked by a sense of conformity and uniformity. This can then explain why a lot more attention is focused on the group rather than the individual. (Reischauer 1977) explains that the reliance upon the group is illustrated in a number of ways. For example, a person is valued more as a member of the team rather than for contributing individually. So the Japanese are very competitive but not creative. Also, parental authority and family ties are stronger in Japan than in western societies however this is beginning to change. There are a lot of qualities that we consider that may have an impact on Japans successful criminal justice system and the impact that Japans cultural values may have on societys response and their criminal act. They are the most homogenous of people in the world as they have common history, language and race. Ninety nine per cent of its population is Japanese. By being a homogenous society it can help explain the low crime rate as they all share the common norms and have similar values. By the residents agreeing on what signifies being Japanese, social control becomes a lot easier as they have the same values and beliefs. However, this does not mean that homogeneity itself can explain the low crime rates as there are other examples worldwide where people all agree on the same norms and values yet there are still people that are not conforming to them.    Due to the lack of Christian heritage, individuals that are in Japan arent guilt ridden when they do something wrong as their culture doesnt believe in them sinning. However, having a sense of belonging has a huge impact on an individual in Japan. Deviant behaviour is considered a rejection of the social norms to which individuals are expected to conform to as they are part of the countrys tradition. As a result, if an individual does something wrong they would feel shame because they have violated the norms in society. Informal social control plays a huge part in Japanese society. In Japan this is applied to families, traditional religion, schools and work place. This method of informal social control is likely to be an important factor.   The way of the groups and family in Japanese society is that there is collective responsibility and that everyone sticks together. Although there is individualism it is different in a way that identity in Japan comes from the group that they belong to. Individualism in Japan comes from the individuals ability to produce, continue and guard relationships. Theres part of collectivism whereby everyone is attached, for instance school, family, employer. This tie between the groups then creates a sense of obligation towards each of them. This is good as it can provide emotional support however it can also bring a lot of shame when a member of the group misbehaves. Parents are an example of this as they are seen to be responsible and apologetic of the behaviour of a fully grown child. Self control is something which is learnt earlier on for the Japanese. Developing self control is the most important stage of socialization in Japan. This differs from western countries where educating a sense of self is more important. In Japan the main ways of socialization are families, schools and companies. The Family play a significant role in how their children behave. Individuals act within the limits of their family and community roles and are easily humiliated when deviating from them. There is a strong obligation to humour their family, community and their nation. The Japanese learn that the group is an important part of their wellbeing. Family is an important aspect and is opposite to how most individuals handle things in other countries. Bayley (1991) states that, American mothers chase their children around the block to get them to come home; Japanese mothers are chased by their children so as not to be left behind. This shows that Japanese children respect their mothers and actively seek out their attention. Individuals act within the limits of their family and community roles and are easily humiliated when deviating from them.    Japanese children are under strict discipline at home. Most importantly they are taught to adhere to parental authority and so they are driven by parental expectations. For this reason they are allowed to depend on their parents. Japanese children have always had a lot of body contact with their parents, being carried on their mothers back, taking baths with parents and sleeping with them till around the age of four or five. This differs from western society where children are taught to sleep in their own beds in their own rooms at an early age. Japanese children are therefore treated as big babies instead of small adults. Because of this Japanese children are very dependent on their parents. Bayley (1991) is clear to point this out when describing how in western countries parents control badly behaved children by keeping them grounded in the home whereas in Japan parents threaten children by saying they will be locked out of the home. From this children learn their punishment b y being excluded from the uchi world. In schools pupils are around a lot of school regulations.  Ã‚  Those who disobey these regulations are not only criticized by their teachers but also by their peers. Through the hidden curriculum Japanese pupils develop social control. Schools completely encourage informal social control. Pupils even fear asking teachers questions as they might be seen as revolting against the teacher. Also, Japanese pupils learn to not control selfish behaviour. They are taught this through small group activities such as cleaning. Pupils are also taught solidarity with the group and a shared responsibility for poor performance in the group. From this, Japanese pupils then learn that it is more appreciated to be part of a group rather than being alone as this is how it is in the  uchi  world. The Japanese companies are described as Gemeinschaft Capitalism (Mawby 1990.) This is because all the local communities dont have an impact on individuals in contemporary Japan but companies have replaced this instead. Companies provide a lot of benefits and a sense of belonging to a big family as well as a sense of pride. So the companies then offer ontological security. This then means that the worker then must follow the strong informal control by their company and if they do not do so then they will be psychologically excluded from their colleagues and the company which will mean losing the ontological security. The appreciation for hierarchal arrangements among people is another element of Japanese culture. Empey (1982) noted the importance of Americans distrust in the 1960s of their social institutions. However, the Japanese do not share this experience. Archambeault and Fenwick (1988) state that, group consciousness combines with a sense of order to force cooperative relationships between most segments of the Japanese community and their justice agencies. The respect of ones positions leads to citizens to honour and trust the justice system employees. Police courts and correction officials are seen as guardians of the societys morals as well as enforcers of the law. Because of the peoples faith in the agent of the system and the belief that decisions will be made according to what best serves society. The Japanese response to criminal offenders may differ to the response of other countries. Western countries seek rehabilitation by encouraging the offender to become independent and responsible whereas the Japanese system looks at encouraging the offender to integrate voluntarily into the structured social order. The Japanese see the community as the best place for getting the voluntary integration. Prison is not seen as a useful way of achieving rehabilitation and this explains why there is such a low incarceration rate in Japan. Japans way of policing is effective as they have a working relationship between the citizens and their services. Those from western countries may be troubled by some of the ways that the relationship between them works. For example, there is a residential survey that is conducted twice a year by Koban officers. Policing in western countries wouldnt do this as it would mean sharing personal and neighbourhood information with police officers. Also, Parker (1984) writes how Koban officers that are on patrol will enter homes that are unlocked and leave calling cards warning occupants about their poor crime prevention habits. This is because police behaviour in Japan reflects a moral norm just as much as a legal one.    Jury trial is a failure in Japan. As Shibahra says Japanese people prefer to be tried by a judge rather than by their neighbour. This is because the decisions of the jury may not be binding as the judge can disagree with it. The judge can then put the case before different jurys and so this is why in most cases defence councils go before the judge.   Another reason for the effectiveness of Japans criminal justice system is because Japanese citizens tend to admit to misbehaviour. Another way that looks at explaining the effectiveness of policing is how the police respond to civilians with encouragement and support.  Ã‚  As Bayley (1991) put it, the Japanese police and their citizens believe that each have to work through the other in order to make society a civil place to live. This support requires the police to place importance on non-enforcement activities and to  work together with people not just the ones that are breaking the law. This then results in service orientation which helps to explain the effectiveness in policing. Bayley (1991) also compares the policing in America with Japan. An American policeman is like a fireman he responds when he must. A Japanese policeman is more like a postman; he has a daily round of low key activities that relate him to the lives of the people among whom he works Japan is unique because of its low incarceration rate. This is surprising as it has the same objectives as most other countries, rehabilitation and retribution. Although they have similar aims, Japan is different in how they meet that aim. The majority of western countries try to solve rehabilitation by encouraging individualism whereas Japan looks at social responsibility.   Although the success of the economy in Japan was an achievement they also had another by having a falling crime rate. The western countries believed that because of industrialisation and urbanization that this was the cause of the rising crime rate. Since the World War 2 the crime rate has continued to increase whereas in Japan they have experienced a falling crime rate in the same time. Japan has two different types of norm. One deals with members of the group where an individual belongs and the other deals with non members of the group where the individual belongs. The first consists of giri (Japanese traditional duty) but the later appears to be more like western concepts of rights. This combination is Japanese perception of social environment which can be represented as two concentric circles. The inner circle called uchi (home) and the outer circle called yoso (elsewhere). When the police catch criminals 99 percent of the time offenders that come before a judge are convicted and 99 percent of those that are convicted are sent to prison. The statistics can be misleading as informal controls are used at each stage regardless of the formal terminology. Although this does seem impressive around half of the 99 per cent convicted have their prison sentence suspended and a lot of the time the offenders arent even placed in supervision. Japanese houses are small and are built on narrow streets close to each other. This makes operating social control systems and recognising deviant behaviour easier as everyone in the community is known and it becomes hard to hide. Today you would see patrol cars being used as a modern way of policing but Japan doesnt agree with this method. Instead they believe in the deployment system of Koban. One fifth of patrol officers work in patrol cars whereas the remaining four fifths operate from Koban. The Japanese citizens favour the Koban and where there is a lot of congestion in cities it means that the Koban officers on foot or bicycle would be able to beat patrol cars to scenes where police response is needed. The services that are provided by the Koban and their officers reflect community policing. One of the major strengths with policing in Japan is the police box system. These boxes are staffed by an officer who lives in the resource with his family and becomes a part of the community. The residents have to be registered with the local stations. Officers frequently do home visits and even provide general assistance.   In order to answer the question on how the low crime rate can be explained in terms of the social organisation in Japan we have found that a lot of contributions are the cause of this. Japan has successfully taken laws from different counties and has adapted it to fit in with their own society. Also we have learnt that informal social control plays a huge part in Japanese society and can be the answer to why there is such a low crime rate in Japan. In Japan, individuals tend to feel more at home within a group be it at home with a family or with their peers in school or at work. They fear expulsion from these groups if they were to deviate from the norms and so are less likely to commit a crime. Referencing Adler, F. (1983) Nations Not Obsessed With Crime, Colorado: Fred Rothan Co.. Braithwaite, J. (1989) Crime, Shame and Reintegration, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. CIVITAS ( European Institute for Crime Prevention and Cntrol ( Komiya, N. (1999) A Cultural Study of the Low Crime Rate in Japan, The British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 39 No.3. pp. 369-389. Miller, S., Kanazawa, S. (2000) Order by Accident: The Origins and Consequences of Conformity in Contemporary Japan. Oxford: Westview Press. Reichel, P. (1994) Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, New York: Prentice Hall.  Ã‚   Appendix: Module Handbook Reichel, Philip L. (1999).  Comparative criminal justice systems: a topical approach. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Sheptycki, J. W. E., 1960- Wardak, Ali. (2005).  Transnational and comparative criminology. London: GlassHouse. Terrill, Richard J. (1999).  World criminal justice systems: a survey. 4th ed. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Genetic Engineering Essay -- Genetics Science Food Agriculture Essays

Genetic Engineering When we envision our future, we usually imagine a future free of disease and physical sickness, but have you ever wondered how a disease-free society will be accomplished? In the twenty-first century our world will be a very different place because of genetic manipulation and engineering. There are many pros and cons to this debate, but it is undeniable that the effects from the new revelations in the field of genetics are far-reaching and deep impacting. Genetic engineering is a radical new technology, one that breaks down fundamental barriers, not only between species, but also between humans, animals, and plants. By combining the genes of dissimilar and unrelated species, permanently altering their genetic codes, novel organisms are created that will pass the genetic changes onto their offspring through heredity. Scientists are now snipping, inserting, recombining, rearranging, editing, and programming genetic material. Animal genes and even human genes are being inserted into plants or animals creating unimagined transgenic life forms. For the first time in history, human beings are becoming the architects of life. Bio-engineers will be creating tens of thousands of novel organisms over the next few years. The prospect is frightening. First we must see that genetic engineering offers many potential benefits to the twenty-first century in the two fields of agriculture and medicine. In agriculture, we can now grow plants and animals faster, stronger, and easier. We can alter plants to have them grow ten times larger than their original size, and we can create animals without parents by cloning (Scott). In medicine, genetic engineering has revolutionized the field into something completely new. We now produce cures that are specifically tailored to diseases, which have lengthened the average life span by almost ten years, detect and eliminate birth defects in babies, and have people that are healthier now than at any time in history (Epstein). But with that almost unlimited power, there is a high price for the twenty-first century to pay. With each bonus we as a society receive from genetics, we also created genetically altered super-diseases. Genes from bacteria, viruses, and insects, which have never been part of the human diet, are being spliced into our food. Genetic engineering is not an exact science. Scientists can... .... They want to charge for products, and a high market share. I feel there are fundamental flaws with the genetic engineering approach, and am highly skeptical of those who would be driving its direction. I affirm our rights as individuals and as a community to make a choice about the direction we take, for if we do not have that, then why put up with all the messy aspects of having free will? So, as we approach the twenty-first century, we go into the realm of the unknown. However, it is assuredly a future that will be blessed and cursed with genetic engineering, and one that will look back at the nineteenth century and remember the development that influenced it the most as genetic engineering. Bibliography: Works Cited Epstein, Dr. Ron. "Why You Should Be Concerned About Genetically Engineered Food." 2 Nov. 1999. Hawaleshka, Danylo. "Unnatural Selection." Maclean's 20 Jan. 1997. 20 Oct. 1999. "Health, Environmental, and Ethical Concerns of Genetically Engineered Foods." 11 July 1999. 26 Oct. 1999. Scott, Mary. "Food Focus: Genetically Engineered Foods - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions." Natural Foods Merchandises Nov.1997. 26 Oct. 1999 .

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet

Sexual love is used in this play as comic relief between the serious parts, as an ice-breaker and to keep the audience entertained. Shakespeare included sexual love in this play because at the time, the audience for whom he’d be performing wouldn’t be very educated and including this would grab their attention straight away Sexual love is the first type of love displayed in this play. You meet two Capulet servants, Sampson and Gregory in the first scene. They are talking about women as sexual objects and nothing more. Sampson is talking about how he will ‘be cruel with the maids’ once he has taken care of the men, and how he ‘will cut off’ their ‘maidenheads’. He is talking about raping the wives of the men he has killed, referring to their virginities as their heads. He is also very generous about himself, suggesting that his penis is â€Å"a pretty piece of flesh’ and that women will be able to feel him while he is ‘able to stand’, meaning that he’s having an erection against the women. This is very sexual because to feel a man’s erection, you have to be very close to him and he has to be practically grinding against you, and be turned on by you. While they only see women as objects of lust, sexual love is not only relatable to men; women can be just as sexually-minded. In this play, Shakespeare does have a lot of sexual-orientated characters but one of the most amusing ones is possibly Juliet’s nurse. She finds a way to make everything she says sound suggestive when most people wouldn’t be able to. She may get it from her late husband, who was just as inappropriate as her, telling a three year old that she ‘will fall backwards when thou hast more wit’ which basically translates to him telling her that when she gets older she’ll know to lie backwards so a man can lie on top of her, which is completely senseless to say to a child. On the other hand, it is more likely Nurse was just always like that. Nurse seems to think that the only important thing to consider in a marriage is sex, saying that Juliet should ‘seek happy nights to happy days’ as if a good sex life is the key to having a happy marriage. She also has the skill to twist things that seem perfectly innocent into a sexual innuendo. Nurse also says that ‘women grow by men’ which is a double entendre of that women grow in status when they marry the right men, but Nurse is saying that they also grow pregnant and sex is a very important factor in a good and healthy marriage. Romeo and Mercutio also have the tendency to be sexually minded. Mercutio refers to Rosaline, the girl Romeo thinks he’s in love with as ‘medlar’, a rude way to refer to a woman’s or a man’s sexual anatomy and he also talks about Romeo as if he was ‘a poperin pear’ which is a pear shaped like a penis. Mercutio is very crude and sexual throughout this entire speech. Romeo, while you don’t see him being sexually orientated throughout the book, does have his moments away from the spiritual plains of love. He sneaks out to meet Juliet and is hoping that ‘her vestal livery is but sick and green’ and that she should ‘cast it off’ because ‘none but fools do wear it’. By saying this, he’s implying that he hopes she will not remain a virgin because he wants to marry her and have sex with her. While this isn’t quite as bad as the long speeches that Nurse and Mercutio make, it is still slightly sexual which shows that even people as spiritually inclined as Romeo can be orientated this way. Surprisingly, Juliet also has her moments even though she is very young. When Juliet is about to leave Romeo, Romeo inquires whether she will really leave him ‘so unsatisfied’. Not realising that he’s merely talking about keeping her forever through the gift of marriage, and thinking he’s asking her if she’ll really leave him without having sex, she immediately asks ‘what satisfaction canst thou have tonight’. She immediately jumps to the conclusion that he was asking for sex before even considering the other options. Shakespeare includes this because it shows that anyone can have sexual thoughts about another, even someone like Juliet who appears to be so innocent and young. Sexual love, while present throughout the play is not the only love explored by Shakespeare in ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Courtly love is also present, but only in the beginning of the play. At the time ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was set, courtly love was very popular and many poets were using it, thus including it in the play was making the play very fashionable for its time. Romeo is the character that feels courtly love for Rosaline, meaning that his love for her in unrequited but he seems to love her anyway. The first time you meet Romeo he is pining over Rosaline because ‘she’ll not be hit with cupid’s arrow’ and won’t return his feelings for her. He is acting very pathetic and spewing out long speeches full of oxymorons and rhyming couplets, making it very obvious that he’s practiced what he’s going to say because people don’t go around just talking in rhyming couplets and oxymorons. His long speeches have a rather pathetic ending. He has put together very fashionable, lengthy spiels full of oxymorons about ‘loving hate’ and ‘heavy lightness’. When Benvolio finally comprehends and asks him ‘who is that’ Romeo loves, Romeo quite pathetically admits that he does ‘love a woman’. This declaration is a rather meager way to sum up all he’s spent hours preparing while privately ‘in his chamber’ and wandering around in the woods ‘many a morning’. Throughout most of his speeches he isn’t giving a proper answer to any of Benvolio’s questions. He keeps giving Benvolio very vague responses in an attempt to make Benvolio question more. Romeo is coercing people to worry about him more than necessary by pretending that the situation is more confusing than it is. After his long oxymoron-filled speech he asked Benvolio ‘Dost thou not laugh’, wanting Benvolio to worry about him and to give him attention. As in true courtly love fashion, Romeo is enamored with Rosaline and will do anything to see her. Benvolio, a true friend, tries to make Romeo see sense that there are ‘other beauties’ in the world and Romeo should ‘examine’ them and forget about Rosaline. However, Romeo won’t hear of it and attempts to convince Benvolio that he ‘canst not teach’ Romeo ‘to forget’ how beautiful Rosaline is and how much he loves her. Although Romeo’s courtly interests are mostly kept to the first few scenes of the play, the Friar does bring it up later on, saying that ‘thy love did read by rote, that could not spell’. The Friar is explaining to Romeo that Romeo knew the way that people were supposed to act when they were madly in love and he was simply pretending to be in love when he wasn’t, which is what courtly love is. Another type of love showcased in this play is Romantic love, and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is one of the most famous romantic plays ever written. In the play, I think that Shakespeare presents the love between Romeo and Juliet as very artificial. He shows it through their first meeting, Juliet’s inexperience, Romeo’s attitude and the attitude of Romeo’s friends. Romeo and Juliet’s conversation forms a sonnet when they first meet. This is the first conversation they have and before he even hears her speak, he refers to her as a ‘shrine’, invoking the deepest religious love for her. Romeo is flattering her to get her to fall for him. Before he even knows who she is, he asks to ‘smooth that rough touch’ that is his ‘unworthiest hand’ with a kiss. She immediately counters that by telling him ‘you do wrong your hand too much’. She’s trying to tell him that there is nothing wrong with his hand, and he doesn’t need to kiss her. Finally he asks outright for her to ‘let lips do what hands do’, showing he’s rather desperate to get to kiss her. Juliet says in return that she isn’t going to move and that he can kiss her, but that she won’t kiss him. Their conversation does form a sonnet, but Juliet is just playing along with Romeo because he’s the one that initiated the conversation in rhyme and she’s simply joining in. She is attracted to him, but she’s not just going to give in to his desperation. He has to work for the right to kiss her. After the kiss, Juliet is understandably very taken aback, considering she is quite inexperienced and this is her first kiss. She tells him that ‘you kiss by th’ book’, showing that Juliet only knows what love is like in books and fairytales and she’s comparing her feelings about Romeo to that. It is arguable that this is not real romance. I think that the best evidence for the idea that the romantic love displayed in this play is artificial is the attitude of Romeo. When we first meet him he is obviously enamoured with Rosaline, but sees this beautiful girl that removes any thought of Rosaline from his mind. This is superficial because he doesn’t know anything about Juliet, he doesn’t even know her name and yet he’s certain that he loves her, saying ‘did my heart love till now’, when just moments before he had been professing his undying devotion to someone completely different. When Romeo attempts to talk Friar Lawrence into marrying him to Juliet, Friar Lawrence remains unconvinced, saying that ‘these woes were all for Rosaline’. Romeo insists, illogically, that his love for Juliet is real because she loves him back and Rosaline ‘did not so’. He says that even though he was going on and on about her, she’s old news and he no longer loves her because he’s found someone better. I don’t think He really loves Juliet because her prettiness is the only reason he ever spoke to her and it is reasonable to believe that if he sees someone prettier he might forget all about her. Even Romeo’s friends know that he’s being pathetic. Mercutio actually makes fun of him for spewing out all the rhyming poems which really don’t have any semblance towards true love by saying ‘speak but one rhyme and I am satisfied’. Mercutio is certain that this will all be over soon. Before the party Mercutio tries to cheer Romeo up with his big ‘Queen Mab’ speech, showing that he wants Romeo to be happy. We trust Mercutio because he is a very likeable character. Benvolio, who has been primarily concerned with Romeo’s wellbeing throughout the play so far, is certain Romeo will move on and ‘examine other beauties’. We trust Benvolio’s opinion because he shows the most direct concern about Romeo and even he seems to think that this is all a phase. Before Balthasar brings Romeo news of Juliet’s death, Romeo is very happy because he has had a dream about Juliet which is the ‘flattering truth of sleep’. This is very similar to his dream in an earlier scene about Rosaline, which was about ‘things true’, being how much he loves Rosaline. Referring to both Rosaline and Juliet by using the word ‘true’ makes it plausible that he is just being as over-dramatically ecstatic about a dream about Juliet as he was depressed over a dream about Rosaline before the party in which he saw Juliet. I think that this makes us doubt his sincerity because he is using the same story about a dream for both girls. When Romeo finds out about Juliet’s supposed death, he doesn’t even stop to think, which proves that he doesn’t consider the possibilities of his actions. He immediately goes to buy ‘a dram of poison’ so he ‘may fall dead’ by Juliet’s side. In my opinion, for a girl that he hasn’t even spent a full day with, this seems like a very rash decision. Juliet, waking up and finding Romeo dead beside her also kills herself with a dagger after trying to take the poison off his lips so she will ‘die with a restorative’ but when that proves to be a failure, stabs herself with Romeo’s dagger. She is allowed a little more leeway, being very young and traumatised at finding her new husband dead on top of her and is likely to be very dramatic. They barely know each other and yet they kill themselves over the premise of ‘true love’. I think that the real tragedy in this play is not that true lovers are forced to kill themselves to be together but that two young and healthy people with long lives ahead of them kill themselves over miscommunication and feelings that ultimately end up to be an over exaggeration of two hormonal teenagers! Parental love, whilst a minor aspect of love in this play, is still very present. Neither Juliet nor Romeo have very close relationships with their parents and seek out parental advice in the forms of Nurse and Friar Lawrence. Romeo does get along with his parents and they do love him. When you first meet the Montagues after a large street fight, his mother expresses her relief that Romeo ‘was not at this fray’, showing that she is concerned about his physical wellbeing. His father is obviously concerned about Romeo’s mental state at the fact that Romeo is currently wandering around by himself ‘many a morning’ and stays ‘private in his chamber’ during the day, cutting himself off from everyone else. After the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, when the Capulets and Montagues have realised what happened, we find out that Montague’s ‘wife is dead tonight’ because the ‘grief of’ her ‘son’s exile hath stopped her breath’. This makes it obvious that the Montagues really do love their son, but don’t have a strong connection with him because he never talked to them about what was troubling him. Even though Romeo and his parents are emotionally close to each other, they do not communicate with each other well and to show this Shakespeare does not put one scene in this play in which Romeo directly interacts with his parents. This shows that while they are family, they don’t really rely on each other to help out. Instead of questioning Romeo about his actions himself, his parents send Benvolio, Romeo’s friend and cousin, which shows that Romeo is more likely to confide in Benvolio than in his own parents. Romeo, instead of going to his parents for advice, goes to Friar Lawrence for parental help. The Friar knows what’s going on in Romeo’s life more than the parents do. It is normally a parent’s job to chide their children but Romeo says to Friar that ‘thou chid’st me oft for loving Rosaline’ which means that the Friar has taken on the responsibility of telling Romeo off about Rosaline, whom Romeo has not even told his parents about. Juliet’s predicament with her parents is similar as they also love her very much. When Paris, a suitable young man, requests Juliet’s hand in marriage, Lord Capulet thinks Juliet ‘is yet a stranger in this world’ and tells Paris to come back in ‘two more summers’. That Lord Capulet doesn’t want to marry her off so young even to such a suitable person shows that he really cares for Juliet’s well-being. When Juliet is mourning the banishment of Romeo, Lord Capulet decides to throw her a party to take her mind of what he thinks is an over-reaction of Tybalt’s death. He agrees to make ‘a desperate tender’ and allow her to marry Paris, hoping that this will cheer her up. He does this because he had Juliet’s best interests at heart and just wanted to please her and make her happy again, by giving her a large party and lots of attention. After Juliet is found supposedly dead, Lady Capulet gets very upset, saying that if Juliet does not ‘look up’ than Lady Capulet ‘will die with thee’. Both the Capulets genuinely love their daughter, calling her their ‘only life’ when she is found dead. Like Romeo, Juliet’s parents don’t communicate with her well. They don’t understand her emotions and don’t know how to speak to her effectively. When Lady Capulet wishes to speak privately with Juliet she asks Nurse to leave but the minute she is left alone with Juliet she calls Nurse ‘back again’. Since Lady Capulet didn’t raise Juliet and Nurse did, Lady Capulet would feel more comfortable if Nurse is in the room because she is unsure of how to talk to her own daughter. When Juliet is distraught after Romeo’s banishment, they assume she is upset over Tybalt’s death because ‘she loved her kinsman Tybalt dearly’. Instead of asking her what is wrong, they automatically think that she is upset over Tybalt, which shows miscommunication. Like Romeo has the Friar, Juliet has Nurse whom she trusts with her personal life. Nurse is the only one Juliet tells about Romeo, and ‘did send the Nurse’ to get information out of Romeo about the wedding. She trusted her Nurse with this part of her life that she didn’t tell her parents about. Friendly love in this play is possibly the only love that is not somewhat superficial and fake. Primarily, we see friendly love being expressed amongst Romeo and his friends. Benvolio is the most open about how much he cares for Romeo’s well-being. He expresses his concern to Romeo directly, wondering ‘what sadness lengthens Romeo’s hours’. Even though Benvolio is certain that he would sooner ‘die in debt’ than Romeo not forget his love for Rosaline, he is troubled that Romeo is upset in the moment. When Romeo is missing after the party Benvolio goes searching for him accompanied by Mercutio and is anxious that Mercutio ‘wilt anger him’ by insulting Romeo about Rosaline, even though Benvolio agrees ith him and Romeo arguably deserves it. This shows that Benvolio really does care about Romeo and doesn’t wish for him to be upset over anything. Mercutio shows his concern for Romeo in a different way, although he still makes it obvious that he cares. When Romeo is depressed with ‘a soul of lead’ before the party, Mercutio wants to cheer him up. When Romeo insists that he ‘dreamt a dream’, Mercutio picks up on that straight away and begins to make fun of Romeo in a jovial way, saying ‘and so did I’. Romeo asks what Meructio’s dream was, giving Mercutio the perfect opening for his ‘Queen Mab’ speech, which is a jokey speech about a fairy queen so he can lighten Romeo’s mood and also point out that ‘dreamers often lie’. At the end Romeo tries to insist that Mercutio ‘talk’st of nothing’, to which Mercutio replies ‘true, I talk of dreams’, which is another way of telling Romeo to lighten up and enjoy the party without focusing on his dreams. This shows Mercutio cares because he just wants Romeo to have a good time and move on with his life without focusing on the past. When Tybalt is calling Romeo ‘a villain’ and Romeo is not standing up for himself, Mercutio gets very angry on Romeo’s behalf and gets into a fight with Tybalt that kills him. Even though Mercutio was in a rather restless mood that day because of the weather, I find it hard to believe that he would fight Tybalt without a reason. It is plausible that he was just using Romeo as an excuse but the fact that Mercutio is so concerned about Romeo’s honour that he will fight for him, makes Mercutio a true friend. Even though Balthasar is Romeo’s servant, he does have his moments of showing true friendship and concern for Romeo. Balthasar is the only person Romeo trusts other than Friar to tell about Juliet and Balthasar keeps Romeo updated about the goings and comings of Verona and of Juliet. Immediately after Juliet’s funeral Balthasar ‘took post to tell it’ to Romeo. Even though Romeo told Balthasar to leave once they got to Juliet’s crypt or he would ‘tear thee joint by joint’, Balthasar stayed behind because he doubted Romeo’s ‘intents’ and feared the way he looked. This shows true friendship because even faced with the possibility of getting killed by his master, Balthasar remains behind to keep an eye on him. Even Romeo has his moments of being a genuine friend towards his boys, as shown after Mercutio has been fighting with Tybalt. At first along with everyone else he assumes Mercutio is just putting on a show for the audience, sure that ‘the hurt cannot be much’. His certainty that Mercutio will be fine shows his closeness to Mercutio because he refuses to consider the possibility that Mercutio might die. After finding out that ‘brave Mercutio is dead’, Romeo is absolutely furious and all thoughts of ‘sweet Juliet’ leave his head and all he wants is for ‘fire-eyed fury’ to lead him to kill Tybalt for ‘Mercutio’s soul’. This is once again showing that his grief over Mercutio overwhelms his love for Juliet. Knowing the possible consequences Romeo refuses to let Tybalt ‘go in triumph’ and kills him because Tybalt killed one of Romeo’s closest friends. In conclusion, Shakespeare presents the theme of love in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ as mostly artificial. Romantic love, which is the love most people arguably expect to read about in this play, is very artificial, creating the true tragedy of the play of two people dying for no concrete reason. Sexual love and courtly love are both put on for show. Sexual love is used as comic relief and is not taken seriously and courtly love is only a way of showcasing that romantic love really is artificial. Parental love is real but is strained with no communication so the only genuine form of love expressed successfully in this play is friendly love.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Introducing Social Essay

Introducing Social Essay Introducing Social Essay Introducing†¦.Social Development: EARLY RELATIONSHIPS Attachment = ‘a long enduring, emotionally meaningful tie to a particular individual’ Monotropy = infants have an innate need to attach to one figure. Privation = never having had a secure and loving relationship with an attachment figure. Deprivation=having a secure relationship with an attachment figure and then losing it. 1) What do you think is the role of caregiver-infant interactions in the development of attachment? 2) What kind of studies do you think psychologists would do on humans to investigate attachment? 3) What kinds of studies do you think psychologists would do on animals to investigate attachment? 4) Criticize animal studies. 5) What do you think is the function of attachment? 6) If a child was securely attached to his/her mother, if the mother left the room what do the think the child would do? 7) If the mother returned what do you think a securely attached child would do? 8) How would a securely attached child act with a stranger? 9)What do you think the short term and long-term consequences of privation are? 10)What do you think the short-term and long-term consequences of deprivation are? Social Development: later relationships intro What do you think ‘friendship’ means? How do you think your ideas of friendship have changed as you have grown up? What sex differences do you think there are in children’s friendships? How many best friends do you have? How many best friends have you had in the past? How long have you been friends with your closest same-sex friend? Do you hold hands with your friends? Do you write

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The easy way to boost your brain power - Emphasis

The easy way to boost your brain power The easy way to boost your brain power Step away from the keyboard and pick up a pen. Thats the latest expert advice for anyone who wants to study and remember more effectively. We learn better when writing by hand than when we type, according to Anne Mangen, associate professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway, and neurophysiologist Jean-Luc Velay. Senses working overtime This is partly, according to Mangen, an effect of the senses. The physical act of forming letters with a writing implement sends more varied feedback to the brain from the feel of the pen and paper to the motor function of shaping the words letter by letter than pressing identical keys to produce fully formed letters in one go. Indeed, research led by Velay shows that writing by hand leaves a motor memory in a part of the brain that links to visual recognition: the sensorimotor system. In safe hands On this point, Mangen refers to an experiment in which two groups of adults were tasked with learning a foreign alphabet. One group learned the symbols using a keyboard, the other by writing them out. When they were tested at three and six weeks into the experiment on their ability to recollect the letters and to recognise when the characters had been reversed, those whod been writing by hand outperformed the keyboard-users every time. The nature of business in the modern office may have made us all secretly proud of our words-per-minute scores, but if we want to remember what were writing, this speed is not our friend. Call it obvious, but the simple fact that writing by hand takes that bit longer also influences the learning process. Hardened technophiles may scoff and instead try typing in slow motion as they attempt to learn Mandarin or memorise the periodic table, but they still wont be stimulating the right part of the brain. The sensorimotor component forms an integral part of training for beginners, says Mangen.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Convergence between GAAP and IFRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Convergence between GAAP and IFRS - Essay Example Furthermore, consideration in respect of financial statement presentation and business combination is required significant convergence (Kaiser et al., 2012). Challenges and Benefits of Convergence As far as the convergence is concerned, it can be observed that US public listed companies will be benefitted more if they adopt IFRS as an obligation from SEC. There are various difficulties as well as benefits of adoption of IFRS as a means of convergence. The major difficulty that may arise due to such convergence is the transition of financial statements from US GAAP to IFRS. The transition will cause a significant change in both the financial performance and financial position of the entities. There is likelihood that the entities may not be able to present better financial results due to such convergence which, otherwise they would have presented in case of applying US GAAP. However, the advantages of convergence still supersede the challenge of transition of IFRS by US listed entitie s. Some of these advantages are discussed as under: The first and foremost advantage of convergence to a single accounting framework is the comparability. The benefit of comparability can be illustrated through an example. For instance, if a US entity plans to be merged with a European counterpart, the issue arising for both the firms would be of comparability. The US firm would be following US GAAP and European firm would be applying IFRS. In such case, both the financial statements cannot be matched with each other, as the accounting frameworks are different. Under US GAAP, inventories are valued at LIFO whereas IFRS asks the entities to use FIFO. For that matter, one of the entities would have to translate its financial statements according to the counterparty’s accounting standards. The element of comparability can facilitate the international investors especially those who are interested in the stocks of listed entities. The uniformity of the accounting framework across the globe can help them interpret and compare the financial statements of those companies which are located in different geographical boundaries (Shamrock, 2012). This would make the financial statements more comparable across the globe and would result in an increasing investors’ base. Comparability of financial statements can lead to increase in the inclination of international investors to participate actively in the global equity markets as this step can simplify the cross border investments along with amalgamation of different equity markets. Increased liquidity and reduced cost of funds are the additional benefits that can be reaped through comparability. In short, there would be increased access available to the US MNCs to reach across the globe and utilize their resources in an efficient manner. The second most important benefit available to US entities regarding the adoption of IFRS is the reduced cost of financial reporting. Since these are the costs which US multin ational companies have to face because their operations are spread widely across the globe and they have to prepare and translate the financial statements as per jurisdiction’s applicable financial reporting framework, thus causing increased cost of financial reporting. If US entities are obligated to adopt IFRS, it would result in the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case Study on Operations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study on Operations - Research Paper Example Entrepreneurship generally entails the process where individuals with high aptitude undertake to pioneer change thus producing, improving, and increasing wealth. Such individuals are usually discouraged and held back by the uncertainties and risks that are involved with pioneering change. In this case, insurance companies come in handy to bear the risks involved with pioneering change at a reasonable premium and thus influencing entrepreneurial attitude, innovation, and investment. Establishment of businesses with new ideas is risky to businesses, since it involves pioneering investments into unknown ventures that may turn out to be either a gain or loss. Although there are outstanding entrepreneurs in the society that can bring about huge economic advancements, entrepreneurial capability exists among all human beings and it would therefore collectively build the economy, provided insurance services are availed for the unlimited risks that exist in the business world (Tiwari, 2007, p .171). Entrepreneurs undertake to insure themselves against risks involved with their ventures through entering into insurance contracts where they service the insurance with periodic premiums. Through insurance, entrepreneurs can venture into investment with a positive attitude and pioneer innovations irrespective of the risks involved. Innovation is the process of creating products, services, and technology in new and creative ways, which contributes towards solving business problems (Jolly, 2003, p.6; Bessant and Tidd, 2007, p.19). Although all human beings have entrepreneurial skills depending on the society and the environment in which they are brought up, very few individuals get to venture into entrepreneurships due to the fear of risks involved. Risk avoidance largely contributes to economic underdevelopment and thus insurance companies play a key role in fostering economic development through insuring entrepreneurs against business risks. Through insurance companies, entrep reneurs have the opportunity of transferring the risks the face through insurance policies that cover losses incurs by entrepreneurs incase of risk occurrence. However, more to insurance policies businesses have opportunities of transferring risks to other business participants such as the suppliers, customers, and even landlords. Businesses often face the risk of customers returning goods previously sold, to transfer this risk, the business may restrict return of goods thus avoiding costs of returned merchandise (Ramsey and Windhaus, 2009, p.134). Insurance companies generally influence investment and economic development, considering that good ideas for new companies can come from anyone who seeks solutions to existing problems faced and does not have to bear business risks involved (Read et al. 2011. p.12) Q2. Casualty and property insurance and life insurance largely contribute to the stability of consumption among citizens since they have confidence in future consumption risks. Consumers who fully insure themselves against unforeseen future financial challenges that may arise have the tendency to consume more in the present and thus, the economy of the country as a whole is stabilized. This is in consideration of the